Mobile development: useful links for iOS developers
11 Nov 2019

Mobile devices are the future. It is not a hypothesis, but a fact. Wherever something is happening, there always will be a person to capture it with a smartphone. This is our reality, and it will remain this way for a long time. People have debates about the rivalry between Android and iOS. There is the question: who’s going to win this versus battle? The answer is both. Two systems will coexist, because competition defines the development of the mobile market. Moreover, our developers forecast the growth in the number of universal tools for Android as well as for iOS.

At first glance these two platforms are very different. But if you start thinking about them from a developer’s standpoint, you will see many similarities. Both systems have: 

  • A language to create apps (software for Android is written in Kotlin, software for iOS is written in Swift). 
  • A package of libraries (Android previously used Java, iOS used Objective-C; recently iOS received SwiftUI, and Android got a whole series of new libraries). 

There is an opinion that developing for Android is a bit more difficult than for iOS. Historically iOS has been supporting no more than ten devices (several versions of iPhones, iPad, smart watch, and so on), while Android runs on a much larger number of devices, thus making it much easier to get bugs from various device vendors.  

Our developers have collected the most useful links for to get a deeper understanding  of the differences between the systems and to decrease the number of mistakes while developing for iOS:  

To be the first to receive any news about iOS development, subscribe to Swift Weekly Brief. The newsletter outlining major news is posted every Thursday.   

To stay abreast of all developments if you do not like reading, listen to the podcast Swift Unwrapped

Those who make Twitter their main source of information, subscribe to these people: 

To improve your practical Swift skills, we recommend watching the following tutorials:  

  • Hackingwithswift. The coder, writer, and speaker Paul Hudson is one of the few people who create good tutorials. He has been developing apps for various devices: iPhones, iPads, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Android, Windows, Windows Mobile, Xbox 360 and Linux, using Swift, Objective-C, Python, PHP, Java, and C#. His tutorials are in English, but they are simple and easy to understand.   
  • Raywenderlich. Several hundred people work on these tutorials. The huge community carefully performs three-stage checks to guarantee 100% quality output.