If you are eager to thrive in the data-driven world and master one of the most trending professions, then this expert-led program is what you need.
For 3 months of intensive learning, you will explore self-study materials, complete tasks and engage with mentors at Q&A sessions.
By participating, you will have the opportunity to:
If you show good results and successfully pass a technical interview, you can join the next stage and immerse into one of the mentoring programs: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing or ML Engineering.
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Our training program embraces two stages, offering an enriching learning experience.
Stage 1 – 3 months. With ~15 hours of weekly engagement, you will master the following topics:
Upon completion, you will have a final project and be invited to a technical interview. If you pass them successfully and show good results in the first training stage, you can join the next one.
Stage 2 – 3.5 months. You will immerse into one of the mentoring programs, requiring ~30 hours of weekly engagement:
When you complete the whole program, you will have a final technical interview and be able to pursue your career path in alignment with your demonstrated skills and available opportunities at EPAM.
Look for more tips and useful links for your IT career start in our Telegram channel.
Have any questions? Contact us